
18 November 2020

How to be eco every day?

Green living – that sounds big. But how do you go about living in harmony with nature? It appears that you don’t have to turn everything upside down and introduce drastic new measures – the principle of small step is the best way. Start by changing your own habits – replacing them with those that will serve the environment. We have tips on how to be more eco-friendly every day!

“Be the change you want to see in the world” – said Mahatma Gandhi. If you want global nature conservation, try to live more ecologically yourself and start today. Change your habits, make them good. These are the ways we propose:

1. Segregate waste

Waste segregation is essential, so start practising it in your home. If you have enough room, try to select your garbage right away, separating it into bins for mixed waste, paper, plastic, and glass. If you have a shortage of space, place at least 2 bins under the kitchen sink: one for wet waste and one for dry waste such as plastic, paper, and glass – then you’ll put your garbage into relevant containers. Educate yourself and your household members about what kind of waste to put in which bin. If you have a garden, think about making a composter, which is a good idea for organic waste disposal. You can use the paper bags for BIO waste from the new Paclan For Nature range – they are made from 100% natural recycled pulp and are also compostable. Here, you’ll read about why recycling is important for the environment.

2. Save energy

This can be done in many ways – from turning off the light in rooms where nobody is staying, to replacing regular bulbs with energy-saving ones, to refraining from leaving electronic devices in the standby mode. You’ll minimise power consumption (i.e. using coal as fuel, as far as the Polish realities go) also by

3. Save water

It’s a really scarce resource and it’s worth using it wisely. These are our ways to reduce water consumption:

4. Buy consciously and don’t waste your food

Consumptionism has led to us often buying things on impulse and accumulating more than we need. Here, the “less waste” philosophy becomes helpful, teaching us how to reduce the amount of waste produced to a minimum through the right purchasing decisions and the use of leftovers. If you want to have a greener life:

5. Cut down on driving

Before you get into your car to go to work or to visit your friends, consider if you couldn’t just walk, use public transport, or go by bike or train. And if you’re already in your car, why don’t you take someone with you?

And remember, big things start with small things. Also, an eco-conscious life!

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